We have 71 1993 General Automotive Shop, Service, & Repair Manuals
General Automotive Model: All models
General Automotive Book type: Shop, Service, & Repair Manual
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92-02 Diagnostic Trouble Codes for MIL OBDI and OBDII Domestic Vehicles (97_DiagnosticTr)
$29.95 |
Haynes Automotive Diagnostic OBD fault codes manual by Haynes for European models (93_3472)
$29.95 |
76-99 Standard Catalog of American Cars; 976 pgs. (87_129490B)
$34.95 |
Street Rodder Chassis & Suspension Handbook techniques and tips on all areas of building a street rod 192 pages (93_1346)
$19.95 |
Diesel Car Engines Service Guide & Owners Manual for all types including Turbos & Light Vans by Ivor Carrol (85_DieslCaGuide)
$24.95 |
How To Keep Your SUV Alive by Mark Warner 192 pages (99_1458)
$18.95 |
Riverhead, Tales from the Assembly Line - Ben Hamper (new, out of print) (78_0446515019)
$29.95 |
Riverhead, Tales from the Assembly Line - Ben Hamper (new, out of print) (78_Z0446515019)
$27.95 |
Edmund's Import Car Collector's Guide (78_Z031206720X)
$19.95 |
Automotive Diagnostic Systems Understanding OBD I & OBD II by K McCord OBDI OBDII (90_SA174_P)
$36.95 |
Maximum Boost by Corky Bell Desinging, Testing, and installing Turbocharger systems 250 pages (75_GTUR)
$49.95 |
Competition Engine Building Advanced Engine Design and Assemply Techniques 176 pages and 321 color photos by John Baechtel (83_SA214)
$24.95 |
Performance Ignition Systems by Christopher Jacobs, Ph.D. E.E. A Complete Electronic ignition guide 176 pages (75_1306)
$195.95 |
Turbocharging by Mark Warner 192 pages (82_1488)
$19.95 |
Classic Car Electrics Enthusaist's Restoration Manual by M. Thaddeus 96pgs 300+ color photos (659781787111011)
$32.95 |
Racing Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 192 pages (72_1492)
$19.95 |
How to Design and Build Your Auto Workshop by David H Jacobs Jr (50_BuildAutoSho)
$24.95 |
Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 170 pages (67_1245)
$29.95 |
Auto Drive Trains Technology by James E Duffy and Chris Johanson - Principles Diagnosis and Service for all major types of Drive Trains - with certification questions (95_AutoDriveTra)
$34.95 |
The Complete Idiots guide to Buying or Leasing a Car by Jack R Nerad (96_IdiotsGuideB)
$14.95 |
Ultimate Auto Workshop Design & Planning by D Jacobs 144 page with more than 200 photos and illustrations (50_WorkDesign)
$24.95 |
Automotive Electrical Handbook by Jim Horner covering all the basics of automotive wiring with a glossary of terms and symbols and how to apply wiring diagrams (50_387)
$18.95 |
Weld Like A Pro Beginning to Advanced Technique by J Uttrachi 144 pages (65_SA343)
$29.95 |
Servicing the Charging System Vol. F618 published by NRI Automotive Training 50 pages (74_139_LT_618)
$19.95 |
Complete Book of Engine Swapping by Tex Smith 192 pages (76_Swap_Smith)
$29.95 |
Automotive Tools Handbook by David H Jacobs Jr (90_AutoToolHand)
$17.95 |
Automotive Upholstery Handbook by Don Taylor (B01_97893112800)
$22.95 |
Gas Flow in the Internal Combustion Engine by Annand & Roe (GasFlow)
$349.95 |
How to Restore Classic Toy Cars Trucks Tractors & Airplanes by D David 127 page restoration guide for model toys (50_ToyRestor)
$74.95 |
How to Build Modify and Power Tune Cylinder HEads by Peter Burgess and David Gollan (B03_136023AE)
$32.95 |
How To Make Your Car Handle; Pro methods for Improved Handling, safety and performance by F. Puhn 200 pgs (50_HP_46)
$19.95 |
Automotive Emission Control by William H. Crouse (52_AutoEmmision)
$9.95 |
Domestic Electronic Fuel Injection & Computer Systems by F. Allen 256 pgs (52_ElecFuelInjD)
$14.95 |
Super Power A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Turbocharging, Supercharging, Fuel Injection & Nitrous-Oxide (NOS) by Larry Schreib (52_TurboGuide)
$16.95 |
Ultimate Auto Detailing Manual, your hands on guide to the proffesionals and concours winners' secrets by D. Jacobs jr. 200 pgs (52_UltimateDeta)
$24.95 |
1001 More High Performance Tech Tips by Wayne Scraba 192 pages (54_1429)
$18.95 |
How To Paint Your Car Book: Surface Preperation, masking, Spraying Paint & Clearcoat, Polishing & rubbing out Paint & Caring for your paint by D.H. Jacobs 150 pgs (56_HowToPaintCa)
$14.95 |
Boyd Coddington's How To Paint Your Hot Rod Book by T. Remus 150 pgs (56_HowToPaintHR)
$19.95 |
How To Build & Tune Cars For: Performance with Economy includes 100's of practical tips to help the auto enthusiast gain maximum performace & economy by D. Vizard 127 pgs (80_PErfEconBuil)
$19.95 |
Performance Welding Manual his valuable guide to quality welding covers techniques used for Indy and NASCAR race cars, experimental aircraft, and other applications requiring high-quality welds by Richard Finch (53_124530AP)
$19.95 |
Performance Welding Handbook 2nd Ed. by Richard Finch (53_139436AP)
$24.95 |
How To Paint Your Car on a Budget Manual Guide on Painting Your Car at Home in Your Garage by Pat Ganahl (80_SA117)
$26.95 |
Custom Auto Interiors by D. Taylor & R. Mangus in full color photos 178 pages (50_978931128186)
$27.95 |
Custom Auto Interiors in SPANISH language by Don Taylor & Ron "The Stitcher" Mangus in full color photos 178 pages in SPANISH language Tapiceria de Autos Customizados (50_SPANISH_INTR)
$27.95 |
Paint & Body Handbook by Don Taylor & Larry Hofer 140 pgs (55_HP_1082)
$14.95 |
Hemmings vintage auto almanac: 1999, 13th edition (55_127215AE)
$14.95 |
Ultimate Garages II 2nd volume 192 hardbound pages by Phil Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_36729)
$59.95 |
Ultimate Garages III 3rd volume 192 hardbound pages by Phil Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_Ult_Gar_3)
$59.95 |
Differential application book (70_Axle)
$34.95 |
How to Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems by Tracy Martin (90_138716AP)
$25.95 |